Thursday, May 27, 2004


It comes with much dismay that I learnt last night that the shell of a Prime Minister who is some supposed figure head of my country has followed suit with Bushs own actions by imposing further actions, through legislation in this case, to effectively ban any legal standing of same sex marriages.

In this day and age such backwards, redneck, simplistic mentality being demonstrated by the leaders of a nation is simply bigoted rubbish. In a nation which has, against the wishes of certain sections of left-wing followers and their associated conservatives, large proportions of religious institutions, and rednecks had a very progressive support of same sex relationships and the celebration of their right to love who they want to love and sleep with who they wish to. A right of two people to express their feelings for one another.

But the obvious phobias which dominate such actions as mentioned with such legislations, shows a primarily neanderthol mind set, seeing threats in concepts where there is little or none whatsoever. How can such leaders continually, time and time again go against the wishes of those they supposedly represent. The thinking majority I would like to believe have gotten past such fundamental, basic bigotry and therefore are not supporters of such moves. Or at least I hope it anyhow.

Sunday, May 23, 2004

Welcome to the comedy of hate

In an almost cliche manner, I have dedicated this post to the obligatory dead comedian who was and is loved by many.

Being none other than the one and only Bill Hicks (R.I.P. 1961-1994).

His words of wisdom hold as much truth in so many respects now as they did when once said by him before, in what could be described itself as irony, comments about previous administrations of the father of a current 'world' leader. hold just as true for his son, who at this date in time holds power.

His stance on many issues were, and still remain, confronting to many people, as like only a small handful of contemporaries, he was willing to speak out and say things as they are, without fear of the retribution it could incur and without being controlled by the pressure of 'political correctness' and social ethos.

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Method to the 2.5 Degrees of Madness

This aptly titled post will remain true in nature to it's cliches, whilst discussing just that.

There are actually 2.5 certainties in life, contrary to popular belief.

    • Cliches exist because they hold some truth to them. Whilst maybe not always apparent, it should not be ignored for that reason.

    • (This is technically a .5 as it relates to the previous point). Everything is how it is for a reason. Yes... EVERYTHING!

      But thats cruel, wrong, ignorant, prejudice, ....NO! Let me stop you right there! Just because something is how it is, does not mean it does not exist for a reason.

      Whilst i'd encourage you and applaud you for making up your own mind on how you feel about stuff(tm), just because of how YOU feel about it, does not invalidate its reason for being.

  1. Death.... (is this part any surprise??)

Whilst yes, tax does exist it's not any more or less certain than most other things in our life, so I saw no reason why to give it any special mention. :-)

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Fly the friendly skys

They are amongst us - Everyone's favourite little creature ET & his cuddly little friends

Something to read

The Digital Imprimatur - About Technology, the Internet, Commerce, your (lack of) rights, and your (lack of) privacy in the future

Guide to the National ID Card in the UK - National unified data collection and data retreival multipurpose database for living your life by

Why the future doesn't need us - "Our most powerful 21st-century technologies - robotics, genetic engineering, and nanotech - are threatening to make humans an endangered species"

Monday, May 10, 2004


So, who is this mysterius character saying these things to you(1), you ask?

I am here to join the ranks of the socially and emotionally retarded(2), who make regular practise (or practise at all) in posting things about their meaningless and shallow and dull lives on public forums for all the world to see. Proudly waving the flag of belonging to this marvellous group of people.

One thing you will not find on here is daily entries about how my mummy screamed at me, or how I didn't get the grade I wanted, or any other such non-sense. And don't kid yourself otherwise, that kind of stuff is non-sense, nothing more.

If what I says challenges your point of view, upsets you, whatever... I don't care.

The kind of people who are welcome to leave now:
1. The kind of people who are here to subscribe to someone else's point of view as they don't have a mind of their own
2. You want someone to identify with (go join a religion!)

The kind of people I welcome:
1. Open minded individuals
2. Those looking to further their understanding of the world around us
3. Those not feeling threatened by new points of view
4. People who don't watch Reality TV

1 = Credit goes to Fabio from Fast Forward or Full Frontal (forget which!) for this quote.
2 = No relation to the reference used on Reality TV show in Australia recently, please don't confuse me, or us with such shallow pathetic attention seeking wh0res

The moment was now...

Now that i've got your attention..

This is your one stop shop for all your needs, greeds, and other addictions. New 2004 Super Enhanced OmniGlowStuffThings(tm) Model!

Is this what you wanted? Is this what you had in mind?

No? Good... This is what you're getting.

This is my newly created place to put my wonderful, insightful, and oh so meaningful ramblings, and why am i using a google based site? well, as it saves me wasting my time doing up my own website. It's easy, infact it's dead simple really.

So sit back, relax, put some snags on the bbq!, and get your togs off...

But most importantly.. enjoy!